Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 11: Over the border and through the woods.

…to North Vancouver we go!  The boys arrived back at the church this morning to have a great breakfast.  They enjoyed bacon, pancakes, orange juice and milk!  The food kept coming as long at the boys were still eating.  The pastor, a retired Navy Reservist, was very impressed by the fact that the Nordic Officers always ate after all their “men” had been fed.  He certainly picked up on the military influences on our organization.  We pointed out to him that the founder was a Marine, the first Executive Director was an Officer in the Army, the current Executive Director is in the Army National Guard and our prefect is in the Army National Guard (Andy is quick to point out to SGT. Fanberg that he, Andy, is a PFC –Private First Class).  Anywho, the pastor was very impressed with the organization as a whole as was the audience.

Following the concert the previous evening, the church’s choir director approached me and complimented the boys on their wonderful vowel shapes and tone.  He was also impressed with the training they receive at such a young age.  Later, I found out that he is the head of the vocal music department at Washington University – a university known for their music program.  You should all be very proud of the work your sons are doing on stage.  They are really building a great sound!

After breakfast we started for the bus.  PJ ran to the US Bank a few blocks away to exchange US Dollars for Canadian Dollars, but he was unsuccessful.  It turns out you need to order the money in advance!  You would think being this close to the boarder a bank would have Canadian currency – they didn’t have a coin counter either!  We boarded the bus and I began they morning with compliments for all the boys.  Each of them is working hard on making improvements, some are even asking me how they can improve and then they check in during intermission to see how they are doing.  They are all progressing very well – let’s hope they don’t regress when they get home!

After a short drive and the hope of finding fuel for less than $4.39 a gallon we found a gas station with fuel for $4.19.  We filled the tank topping it off for $538.00!  We think that is a record!!!!  Soon we found a rest area and there we filled our bellies – topping them off for…$0.00 thanks to our gracious hosts from Everett.  Since we were close to the border, we popped in the DVD of Dudley Dooright to prep the boys for Canada.  To show that they are quick learners they picked up the theme song very quickly and prior to every episode they would sing along (we did remind the boys that it would not be good choirboy etiquette to quote Dudley to the Canadians with whom they would be staying – “oh, no”J).  We pulled into the Border Crossing station and noted that the bus already in the area had everything unloaded from their bays and were lined up in the station with passports in hand and an inspector on their bus.  We weren’t sure what to expect.

Shortly, a Canadian Border Agent approached the bus.  The boys were dead silent.  The agent came up the steps of the bus, took one look at the fine young American gentlemen and said, “Everyone off the bus.  Leave all your things and no need to empty the bays.”  With a small sigh of relief PJ lined the boys up by tour number and handed out passports.  The boys, still in a state of silence, formed their line and one by one the Agent checked their passports.  One by one the boys responded, “Thank you, Sir!”  Aboot (that’s Canadian for ‘about’) half way through checking the boys’ passport the agent stopped and asked, “Do any of you have any guns?”  The boys responded, although somewhat hesitantly, “No, Sir.”  The Agent asked, “Do any of you have more than $10,000 on you?”  Again, they replied, “No, Sir.”  We finally got everyone through the station, boarded the bus and drove across the border.  Welcome to Canada, eh!

We entered the city of Vancouver aboot 35 minutes later.  What a beautiful place!  We crossed a very large bridge and landed in North Vancouver.  After a short detour we made our way, with the help of Sally, our GPS, to St. John’s Anglican Church.  The boys used the washroom (not a bathroom in Canada) and found a comfy place in the church for their rest period.  After aboot one and one half hours the boys were awakened with beautiful piano music – I know, you’re thinking Lisa – but it was PJ tickling the ivories like no one else could – I mean it, no one could play what he played in his PJ sort of way.  The boys were up, used the wash room, had sectionals, checked their concert uniforms for correct hanging procedures and then were off to dinner. 

The church started to fill up with anxious listeners who had been awaiting the boys’ concert.  The boys did not disappoint.  They opened with a very delicate rendition of “What Wondrous Love Is This?” followed by a rousing Spiritual, “I’m Gonna Sing”.  Following this was what has become many of the boys’ favorite song and one that brings many audience members to tears, “I’m Goin’ Up a Yonder”.  The boys have really mastered the emotion of this piece (just warning you to bring your tissues).  They continued to impress the audience the remainder of the night.

During the second half of the concert I have introduced a time when the audience can ask the boys or I questions.  The boys respond with great confidence and, if I may say so myself, with great responses.  Some questions they are asked include: why did you join the choir? Why do you stay in the choir?  Do you play other instruments? Are there any brothers in the choir?  (They have yet to figure out who the twins are.)  I think the boys enjoy this part of the concert as much as the audience does.

Following the concert the boys met their host families and were on their way.  These are some amazing boys and I am very proud of them.  It is very difficult to adjust to your environment for concerts and for your evening accommodations.  They are handling it like pros!

Well, off to bed!  You will have to wait till later to hear if all the boys made it over the Capilano Suspension Bridge.  Till next time!  ~Aaron

 P.S.  I believe I am winning the “Which Staff Member is Funnier” competition.  Don’t let PJ convince of anything otherwise! J


  1. Assuming emailing the boys is going well because we have heard nothing otherwise. Continue at that? And will the boys be able to email us?

  2. Thanks for the great update! I love the idea of having a questions and answer time during the concert.
